Large Project Execution – A Better Way

There are many challenges to effectively executing automation scope as overall project size grows to $100 million and beyond. Interfaces between various stakeholders and proper distribution of work become critical to define and manage properly. The traditional model of sole-sourcing an EPC to handle everything, including the automation scope, has inherent weaknesses that can be mitigated by an alternate approach. Join us as we review common problems with executing automation scope in large projects and present solutions proven to be effective.

Topics included in this webinar:

  • Assessing the traditional approach to large project execution, what’s good, what’s not.
  • Defining an alternate execution model and why it helps
  • Review of a real-world case study using an alternate approach
  • And more…
Lee Swindler

Lee Swindler

is an Industry Manager with MAVERICK Technologies. Lee has 31 years of automation industry experience, including 21 years in manufacturing and 10 years on the engineering services side. He holds a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification along with being a TÜV Certified Functional Safety Engineer (FSEng). Lee has a B.S.E.E degree from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.

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